Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I Crave Travel

One thing that I have started to realize is that there is more out there in the world besides the small town I grew up in. I have nothing against my hometown. I love it and I wouldn't be who I am today if I did not go to the highschool or college that I did. However, when you grow up in a certain place you grow accustom to the things around you. 
Some people grow up somewhere and never want to leave. That is okay. Some people leave the first chance they get. That is okay. Whether you choose to live in the place you grew up for forever or to constantly move, I recommend travel. 

Travel will open your eyes. Teach you things you can't learn by sitting on your couch. 
I have started to realize that I crave freedom. 
I crave going places and learning about other cultures. 
I crave more than my hometown.
I crave travel

When you start to get out and experience and learn about other cultures it opens up your eyes. Once your eyes open up to other cultures it helps to reinforce the culture within yourself and what your beliefs are.

I have learned more about myself while traveling than I ever have being in my hometown. 

When I travel, I never go against what I believe or conform to the cultures I am learning about. I simply take in everything happening around me and learn. Seeing new places brings light to my culture and reinforces the things I hold value in. Experiencing new places is shaping me as a person. Creating a deeper sense of self. 

I don't know where I'll end up living. But wherever I end up, I will always travel. 

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